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Prune Run Configuration Meta-data in Eclipse

Batch convert media files using ffmpeg and ruby

Automate title metadata tag to its file name

A Story - Humility is not weakness

Start-Stop MongoDB Server in Mac

What is Object-Oriented Programming?

Supervise your node app in development

Express 3.x - Web-app framework without Web-server

Convenience of Ruby's Readline

Debugging Shebang

When to freeze, clone or dup in Ruby?

Exploiting tap in Ruby

Require versus Load in Ruby

Applying Agile Practices To Manufacturing And Others

Lessons from Mark Zuckerberg at Startup School 2013

Which is the best Agile Project Management Tool?

Steps in contributing to an open-source project in Github

Still using .rvmrc??

PMI-Chennai Knowledge Sharing Session (KSS)

Top Two Agile Adoption Issues

Still a fanatic of yesteryear's variable naming convention?

"this" operator in JavaScript

Understanding call and apply in Javascript by example

The CSS Box Model

Positioning with CSS

Love is blind and so is anger

Sweet Interaction Design in Github

(Almost) Everything I need to know about sleep

Conference: Dev Day 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Conference: JSConf 2013, US - Javascript Masterclass by Angelina Fabbro

Schooling and Learning

Resources to learning NodeJS

Lessons from Steve Jobs by Guy Kawasaki