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Content Management Tools Watchlist

Below are list of tools that are in my watchlist under various categories of content that is baked and served for its consumers:

Static Site Generators (SSGs)

    1. Docusaurus is widely popular tool that can be used to build static sites using Markdown files and it supports Algolia search and React components. It is built with Javascripot and ReactJS.
    2. NextJS (lightweight), Gatsby (heavier supporting various data-sources APIs, DBs, filesystems etc.) built using React SSR, Nuxt built using Vue SSR are few other popular Javascript alternatives, to build static websites quickly.
    3. MkDocs is simple and fast SSG built using Markdown content written by developers, for building project documentation.  This tool is built using Python and so you need it for installing it using pip in your system.
    4. Statiq is .Net couterpart of MkDocs that is heavy-weight and enterprise-grade, supporting a wide variety of content formats from very many sources.
    5. SkyDocs is a software that takes your MarkDown files and build a complete website. It is built on Java but is meant for light-weight static sites. Just so you know, it is still in beta version at the time of this writing.
    6. Jekyll has been a popular tool primarily adopted by developers for build simple static sites (like blogs) quickly and integrate it with github-pages. It is built using Ruby.

Headless CMS

    1. Strapi is indeed the leading open-sourced headless CMS today offering a lot of choices and is enterprise-grade. It is built using Node.js/Javascript.
    2. is AI-powered, visual development platform for enterprise-grade CMS supporting headless CMS too.
    3. Prose is a content editor for GitHub designed for managing websites.
    4. Payload is a free and open-source headless CMS aimed sharply at providing the best, developer-first experience possible to build out APIs and admin UI. It is build using NodeJS/Javascript. This of it as Strapi for enterprises offering more options with its enterprise support. 

Knowledge Management Systems

    1. Atlassian's Confluence is my number one choice for its convenience and ecosystem of tooling to make engagements productive.
    2. Azure DevOps although not primarily meant for this purpose, I have leveraged it as single-source of truth in my engineering teams for their knowledge management. Microsoft uses this as under-lying layer in Teams and other tools of theirs for its document management. It supports Markdown which is hugely beneficial and motivating for anyone to get started quickly with it.
    3. Sharepoint from Microsoft has been there for a long while serving this purpose with lot of integration options for content and knowledge management. Sharepoint is now part of Microsoft 365 product suite.