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React Native (Expo) Dev Environment Setup in WSL2 On Windows

Platform: Ubuntu OS on WSL2 on Windows 11

Framework: Expo for React Native

Dev IDE of Choice: VS Code

In Windows Powershell Terminal on Admin Mode

Go to Github Gist

In WSL2 (not WSL1)

Go to Github Gist

In your Android Phone

  • Install Expo Client on your Phone from Marketplace/Play Store.
  • Ensure that both the Laptop and your Android are on same LAN or Wifi connection.

Warning: Make sure your Windows Anti-virus isn't blocking the incoming traffic by checking its firewall settings. I faced this problem!

Use VS Code as IDE with extensions below for better productivity and experience:

  • React Native Tools by Microsoft
  • React-Native/React/Reduc snippets for ES6/7 by EQuimper
  • Prettier for code formatting
  • "Ctrl+`" > Settings > Search for "formatonsave" > Enable it by checking it and save the settings!
  • Material Icon Theme

Yay!, now you are all set to get started on your journey developing React Native Apps using Expo framework on WSL2 on Windows 11.